How To Find Peace In The Midst Of Chaos
Do you ever find yourself surrounded by noise, and you’ve tried every way possible to escape it? Your mind is all over the place thinking about a million things at once? You feel like you're boxed in, and can't hear yourself think? Yea, me too! I've been in this battle for quite some time now, and moving around doesn't help either, it just gets more chaotic.
It’s like I'm running from a lesson I'm suppose to be learning from. These past few weeks God has been dealing with me behind the scenes and one thing is learning how to find peace in the midst of chaos. It's difficult let me be the first to tell you, but it's possible!
What has been working for me is coming to the realization that I can't control everything. Maybe its the Leo in me, but its something I need to accept (sooner than later). I can only control me and how I choose to react.
So I get still. Literally sitting on the floor with my eyes closed and just breathing in that moment. Inhale, Exhale. I focus on me and my emotions. I breath until my heartrate slows back down. Then I pray. I ask for peace within myself, and grace. Psalm 29:11, "The Lord will give strength to his people; The Lord will bless his people with peace." This verse is vital for me because it reminds me that having peace is possible. Whether its at home, work, or just peace of mind.
If you have a chaotic life and you've been looking for a little peace… remember it’s just a prayer away!