I Resigned!

I decided to resign from my job last week. (Yep, read that again.)

I joke a lot about not wanting to work, but I realized it was no joke! I have been very unfulfilled when it comes to work. It doesn't excite me anymore.  Honestly… I’m not sure it ever did. It was mainly the perks of the job (working from home) and the friends I made at work that usually kept me employed (the money didn’t hurt either!)

I noticed I am my happiest, sitting in a coffee shop with my laptop writing, not sitting at a desk in a freezing cold office. I'm tired of helping others build out their dreams and mine are untouched. I thought working corporate during the day and my goals at night would be a good idea, but it was really hard. Not saying its impossible, but for me it wasn’t working. Now is getting up and quitting your job the most logical thing , no but it was for me. I need to sit and be still in Gods presence, and wait for his direction. I really want to make sure I am walking in my purpose on whatever it is I do next. Along with being much more intentional on here!

 There were a lot of factors that went into my decision, for example I'm in a Gr8Faith Challenge with one of my church locations in Alabama. Every few days we get a text, and last Monday I was venting about going to work and how it was literally numbing me and I got a "Gr8Faith" text saying, "Never be afraid to start over! The same God that allowed you to succeed in the last season, will do it again in this season! Faith to start over." That and a few other things helped me make my decision (even though I almost backed out a few times).

If you find yourself in a similar situation as mine maybe you should ask yourself a few questions and do some re-evaluating. I'm not suggesting you up and quit your job, but definitely make some changes.

  1. What's your mental like? (are you drained, dread getting up in the mornings, etc.)

  2. What do you dislike about your current role?

  3. What is it that you really enjoy doing?

  4. Is it aligned with what you are doing in your current role?

  5. If not, what can you do to get on track?

 I hope this is helpful to anybody looking to make a change in their life. It's not an easy one, but it will definitely be worth it. Besides what’s more exciting than creating a career from scratch, and merging your dreams into a reality.

Anyway wish me luck!